Application System
The Cockle™ Antiperspirant Applicator
Since NT-077 spray solution is a consumer product, we are convinced that the functional design of the container/closure systems including pump heads and applicators for dermatological products is of great clinical concern. Apart from great functionality, the environmental friendliness as well as the looks & feels are also of importance.
When selecting the final combination of the formulation/primary packaging/application system for NT-077, which is a very potent anticholinergic drug, we imposed the following set of requirements and wishes:
√ Spray formulation for user’s preference
√ A spray guards that serves to protect the user from accidental inhalation upon aerosolization
√ No direct skin contact with formulation during application
√ No cloth staining
√ Multi-dose skin medication dispensing system
√ Consistent dose of product with each actuation: metered dosing system
√ Child Safety Mechanism
And out came…….. The Cockle™ Antiperspirant Applicator